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Berry Smoothie Meal (Men)
Note: Glycemic Load (GL) is listed for each ingredient for pre-diabetics & diabetics. GL of 10 or less is considered low; 11-20 intermediate & above 20 is high. Low Glycemic Index (GI) is 50 or less. Low Carbs = 40% or less. Ideally, the combo of GI & GL should be 50 or less.
DISCLAIMER – This recipe does not provide medical or legal advice. This recipe is for information purposes only. Viewing this recipe, receipt of information contained in this recipe, or the transmission of information from or to this recipe does not constitute a physician-patient or attorney-client relationship. The medical and/or nutritional information in this recipe is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read in this recipe.
The scientific evidence is compelling. Populations that eat a predominantly plant-based diet and avoid dairy, processed/smoked meat, processed carbohydrates, & eggs, & significantly limit their consumption of red meat, chicken, etc., live longer, more productive & disease-free lives. U.S. has one of the highest prostate cancer rates in the world. The U.S. ranks 45th in the world in life expectancy, mainly because of our high saturated fat, high processed foods diets. Thus, we recommend the foods that the top 10 nations eat. For example, the longest living people are from Okinawa in Japan (ranks 2nd in life expectancy; Monaco is number one). Okinawa has more people over 100 years old per 100,000 population than anywhere else in the world. Japan also has one of the lowest prostate cancer rates in the world. One of the staples of their mainly plant-based diet is Purple Sweet Potatoes. So, we added them to our recipes. They also eat whole food soy and have less prostate cancer, heart disease, etc., and their sex hormones remain relatively higher later in their lives
Unsweetened Almond Milk or Ripple Pea (Protein) Unsweetened Milk (Calcium, Omega 3, Vitamin D, etc.). Purchase Ripple at your local major grocery store.
Coconut Water – hydrates, heart healthy with significant amounts of potassium, electrolytes, enzymes, etc, GL = 3.
Purified or Spring Water – Critical to digestion and hydration.
Beet Juice – Helps lower blood pressure; Improves exercise stamina; May improve muscle power in people with heart failure; May slow the progression of dementia; Helps you maintain a healthy weight; May prevent cancer; Good source of potassium; Good source of other minerals
Pomegranate (Ariels) Seeds (RINSED) – critical to overall prostate health = may prevent & fight prostate cancer. Buy frozen or dried when out of season. Major grocery chains, e.g., BJs Wholesale, Whole Foods, etc., should have frozen seeds (ariels). Note: Pomegranate juice or powdered juice is not effective in preventing prostate cancer. Click Here for more info.
- Dried Pomegranate Seeds (Click Here if you can’t find frozen or dried seeds locally).
Dried Apricots – Much higher in potassium and lower in calories than bananas. GL = 29
Dried Dates – sweetness, soluble fiber, high in potassium, magnesium, calcium, dried, phenols, etc.). Use only if you include lots of dark green vegetables in your smoothie meal. Buy at Costco, BJs, Whole Foods, Publix, etc.
Medjool Dates are the best (Glycemic Load = 9)
Note: Artificial Sweeteners are not a healthy alternative.
Berry Vegetable Protein Powder – Vega Berry Sport Protein (higher in protein) -> Preferred = Vegan, all vegetable proteins, stevia sweetener, etc. – Purchase at Whole Foods or similar store or Online Here (Cheaper online).
Frozen Acai Pulp (unsweetened; GL = 0.5), or freeze dried Acai Powder (highest antioxidant fruit).
- Buy the frozen Sambazon Acai Pulp from a health foods grocery store, e.g., Whole Foods, Chamberlins, Publix, etc. The pulp comes in a package with four small smoothie packages. Run cold water over one of the smoothie packs, cut a groove in the middle of the pack and break in half, so you can get two smoothies per pack. -> The Research.
Flaxseed Meal/Powder – health benefits = the highest concentration of plant lignans (anti-cancer ingredients); best resource of vegetable Omega 3 -> The Research
- Purchase from a high-end grocery or health food store, or Purchase Online here.
Chia Seeds have 10 health benefits (e.g., vegetable with the highest concentration of Omega 3, blood sugar regulation, high in antioxidants, fiber, etc) -> The Research
Organic Hemp Seeds – Great source of all three Omega fats (3, 6 & 9) in the perfect balance; good for your memory; easily digestible forms of protein Edestin (produces antibodies that help the immune system) & Albumin (major source of free radical scavengers), & a “complete” amino acid profile; 20 amino acids and all nine essential amino acids in both quality and quantity to meet human needs; good source of magnesium which fights stress & anxiety; anti-inflammatory. Buy Locally or Online Here. GL = 0
Dulse Seaweed Flakes – high in iodine, iron and potassium, in addition to being a good source of manganese, sodium, calcium and zinc, vitamin B12, protein, etc. 8 grams (0.2 oz) of Dulse has just as much Iron as 100 grams (3.5 oz) steak. Buy Locally at a Whole Foods, Publix, Chamberlins or Online Here
Nutritional Yeast (Fortified) – Complete protein (all nine amino acids); Vitamin B power house – excellent source of vitamin B12; trace minerals, such as zinc, selenium, manganese and molybdenum; antiviral & antibacterial. AVOID, if you have Crohn’s Disease.
Frozen Wild Blueberries – Fiber and antioxidants – highest rated antioxidant fruit in the U.S. GL = 4.
Frozen Cranberries – Contains the antioxidant proanthocyanidins which helps prevent urinary tract infections; polyphenols in cranberries may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD); &, nutrients in cranberries can help slow tumor progression, and can have a positive impact on prostate, liver, breast, ovarian, and colon cancers (Source – Medical News Today). GL-1
Frozen Strawberries – Antioxidant, Vitamin C & fiber. GL=4
Arugula – Also called the “Green Rocket” vegetable = highest nitric oxide (NO) vegetable. NO increases blood flow = good for the heart and may help with erectile dysfunction. Has low oxalate levels (allowing more minerals into the system) and the presence of so many minerals in the plant itself make it a strong support system for healthy bones. Buy locally at any major grocery store (Publix, Whole Foods, etc.) in the salad section.
Bok Choy (Steamed or Raw) – Cruciferous vegetable = good alternative to Broccoli. Anti-cancer, 28 different polyphenols – antioxidant phytochemicals; high in calcium = body absorbs a higher percentage of calcium from Bok Choy (54%) than dairy (32%). Chop a stalk & place in a sandwich size zip lock plastic bags & freeze. GL = 1.
- If you have a thyroid problem (e.g., hypothyroidism), then consult with your healthcare professionals before consuming cruciferous vegetables (i.e., Kale, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, etc.) since they may inhibit the uptake of iodine. Note: Dave’s Super Smoothies have Dulse Seaweed Flakes which are a good source of dietary iodine.
- Wash & chop each stalk and place in snack size zip plastic bags & freeze.
Raw & Steamed/Boiled Organic Kale
- Raw is best for fighting cancer;
- Steamed/cooked is best for brain & eye health & lowering cholesterol. Highest concentration of Lutein & Zeaxanthin (L/Z)
- L/Z are potentially preventive for dementia & Alzheimer’s. However, will not treat Alzheimer’s once the disease is onset. So, eat plenty of L/Z vegetables DAILY to reduce the risk.
- Add a teaspoon of Mustard Seed Powder to the steamed/boiled Kale to activate the antioxidant Sulforaphane.
Fresh Red Bell Peppers – Weight loss, antioxidants, rich in Carotenoids, Vitamin A, Lycopene which fights cancer, may reduce cataracts, etc. GL=3 -> The Research.
- Cut the red bell peppers into quarters and freeze.
Freeze–Dried Tomato Powder or Sun–Dried Tomatoes – Freeze-dried tomato powder & sun–dried tomatoes have the highest concentration of Lycopene – Critical to prostate health -> prevents/fights prostate & lung cancer.
Tomato Paste, Stewed Tomatoes, or Steam (5-10 minutes) one large Tomato or two-three Roma tomatoes. Cooking tomatoes releases the antioxidant Lycopene – critical to prostate health.
Fresh Watermelon with the rind – Lycopene, minerals, citrulline amino acid converts to arginine to improve blood flow & cardiovascular health, etc. Watermelon rind has a higher concentration of citrulline than the red watermelon meat. Ensure you remove the green outer skin. GL= 3 -> The Research
Fresh Pineapple Chunks & Core – bromelain (digestive enzyme), manganese (energy production and antioxidant defenses), vitamin C, etc. Pineapple core has the highest concentration of bromelain. GL = 6
- Place fresh cut Pineapple chunks in a sandwich or storage size zip lock bag and freeze.
Fresh Celery – Good for blood pressure, contains potassium, tones the vascular system, fights cancer, high in fiber. GL = 1, etc. -> The Research.
Purple Sweet Potato WITH THE SKIN (Steamed/Boiled) – Nutritional powerhouse; 150 percent more anthocyanin antioxidants than blueberries, which guard against cardiovascular disease and cancer; good source of copper, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, potassium and iron. Anti-inflammatory, lower blood pressure & risk of heart disease, etc. A staple in the Okinawan diet – Okinawa has more people over 100 years old per 100,000 population than anywhere else in the world. Steam/Boil for 30+ minutes or bake for one hour at 350 degrees until tender. Wrap and freeze for large term storage. Purchase at a major food chain (e.g., Whole Foods) or an Asian market.
Fresh Baby Organic Carrots – rich in vitamin A & beta carotene. Recent research revealed that Organic Carrots have phyto (plant) nutrients that protect against cardio-vascular disease and cancer. GL = 0. -> The Research.
Turmeric Golden Paste – Combine organic turmeric, EVOO or avocado oil, & black pepper and make a paste. Click Here on how to make it.
- Organic Turmeric – 20 health benefits, e.g., anti-inflammatory (arthritis), gastro benefits, cancer, Alzheimer’s, fat metabolism & weight management, etc. GL=2. -> The Research. Cheaper Online -> Starwest is one of the best brands. Purchase Online Here
- Ground Black Peppercorn – aids in the absorption of Organic Turmeric & other ingredients/nutrients in the smoothie, GL=1. -> The Research
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Avocado Oil – Essential for the absorption of Organic Turmeric.
- 1/2 cup Turmeric powder (125 mls) – Use organic powder.
- 1 cup water (250 mls) or a bit more to get desired paste consistency
- 1 teaspoon ground black pepper (7.5 mls) (or even 1/2 tsp. if pepper is too irritating)
- 1/4 cup (70 ml) cold pressed Olive or Avocado Oil enhances the bio-availability of curcumin another seven to eight-fold
Ground Black Pepper - Helps your digestive system absorb nutrients. OR,
- Bioperine (Black Pepper Extract – Piperine), if you can’t tolerate black pepper. Buy Online Here
- Caution – it may enhance the absorption of some medical drugs, bringing them to dangerous levels in the blood stream. For this reason, the supplement should not be administered at the same time as any medications.
Elderberry Syrup – Stimulates the immune system & is effective in fighting colds, especially the flu virus, & keeps the immune system strong after cancer treatment. I make my own with dark honey, which is the best for your overall health. I use the Wellness Mama recipe & substitute Ceylon cinnamon for regular cinnamon. Ceylon can be consumed without restriction. Should not consume regular cinnamon over an extended period of time. The coumarin level (blood thinning ingredient) in Ceylon cinnamon is negligibly small, while that in Cassia cinnamon is an appalling 1200 times higher. Freeze the syrup in an ice cube tray, then store the cubes in a large zip loc bag. Purchase Sambucol or Sambucus from CVS, Walgreens, etc., until you can make your own.
Note: “Autoimmune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Elderberry might cause the immune system to become more active, and this could increase the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. If you have one of these conditions, it’s best to avoid using elderberry.
Black Seeds – Analgesic (Pain-Killing), Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Ulcer, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Hypertensive, Antioxidant, Antiviral, Bronchodilator (Respiratory System – documented to help asthma patients), Gluconeogenesis Inhibitor (Anti-Diabetic), Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Inhibitor (fights cancer), etc. Cancer – Animal studies have been promising; however, human trials are needed to document black seeds and black seed oil’s ability to fight cancer. Note: add only one tablespoon if you’re also taking Black Seed oil. Purchase here
Pumpkin Seeds – Good source of protein, oleic acid (helps lower bad LDL cholesterol and increases good HDL cholesterol in the blood), B Vitamins, Iron, Manganese (an all-important co-factor for antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase, which helps the body fight infection), Zinc (critical to Prostate health), etc. Buy locally or Purchase Online Here
Ceylon Cinnamon – Anti-Clotting actions, preventing unwanted clumping of blood platelets; anti-microbial = good enough to be used as a safe preservative; Blood Sugar Control – helps people with Type 2 diabetes improve their ability to respond to insulin; Boosts Brain Function – cinnamon improved participants’ scores on tasks related to attentional processes, virtual recognition memory, working memory, and visual-motor speed while working on a computer-based program; & One of the top 10 foods in antioxidants. GL = 1
- Ceylon Cinnamon is the best because it has less Coumarins = blood thinner. The other version, Cassia (very common) has higher levels of Coumarins and should be consumed in moderation & not over an extended period of time. Frontier Spices produces Ceylon cinnamon. You can find Frontier spices in Whole Foods & other high-end grocery stores. If you can’t find it locally, then Click Here to order bottle size (1.76 oz) or 16 oz size (cheaper per ounce). In fact, it may be cheaper online.
Steamed Mushrooms – research indicates that mushrooms (i.e., shitake, oyster, maitake, and Asian mushrooms) are especially helpful for prostate cancer & post-menopausal women in fighting breast cancer. Oyster mushrooms are also high in antioxidants, stimulate the immune system & could also be helpful in preventing cancer. Steam the mushrooms for 5 minutes to remove agaratine; avoid raw white button mushrooms because agaratine can have a carcinogenic effect = cancer -> Click Here for more info. .Make sure you steam them.
- Use the combo of mushrooms above in your smoothie recipe, not just white button mushrooms.
- Reishi Mushroom Powder – You should also add a teaspoon of Reishi Mushroom powder which has several health benefits, including fighting cancer. GL = 4 to 7, depending on the mushroom.
- Freeze & store mushrooms in snack size Zip Loc bags
Organic Green Tea (Cold Brewed) – Antioxidants; aids in burning fat = weight loss; May Protect Your Brain in Old Age, Lowering Your Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s; Great source of fluoride which protects your teeth from dental bacteria; May Lower Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes; OR,
Matcha Green Tea powder (from Japan) is one of the best & very high in the anti-oxidant EGCG (epicgallocatechin gallate) which is the catechin with broadest and most potent cancer-fighting properties. One cup of Matcha allegedly has the equivalent antioxidants of 10 cups of brewed green tea. Matcha Source is a good source for high quality Matcha Green tea. I use their Café Grade in my smoothie recipes. Click Here order -> Once on their website, wait a few seconds until the screen scrolls to the Buy Matcha Tea screen. You get 10% off on your first purchase.
Note: Recent research in the International Journal of Cancer has revealed that women who consumed a combination of green tea & mushrooms DAILY reduced their risk of breast cancer as much as 80+% – the sample group was 1000 Pre- & Post-Menopausal Asian women. Must be consumed at the same time.
One of my favorite brewed green teas is Mushroom Wisdom Mai Green Tea because it is a combo of Japanese Tea Specialty Premier Green Tea (Matcha) and Maitake Mushrooms. Make sure you add ½ squeezed lemon to your brewed tea = enhances the antioxidants six-fold. Order Here, if you can’t find it locally.
White Tea Leaves (Cold Brewed) – higher in the antioxidant catechin polyphenols than green tea – fights cancer. Same benefits as green tea. Add lemon juice to enhance the antioxidants. Leaves are better than bags, because bags are processed. Cold brewed is better than hot brewed because cold brewed has more antioxidants. Just add the leaves to water, stir vigorously, & let them stand for approximately twelve hours (over night). Then add ½ squeezed lemon (8 oz cup) or one squeezed lemon (16 oz cup) and refrigerate. Purchase the leaves locally or Online Here.
Ginger Tea – has broad-spectrum antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-parasitic properties. Protects against respiratory viruses, Anti-inflammatory, nausea, digestive problems, etc. Peel & slice ginger root, then boil for about 20 minutes.
Cod Liver Oil – most essential forms of Omega 3 (EPA & DHA), Vitamin D, natural form of Vitamin A. Enhance your immune system, fights cancer, healthier skin, etc. Rosita’s Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil is the best; however, it’s expensive. A less expensive version, but a more fishy taste, is Carlson’s Super D Omega 3 Cod Liver Oil. It’s cheaper when ordered online. Click Here to order Carlson’s via Amazon. GL = 0.
Avocado – One of the healthiest foods, with 15 Health benefits = promotes heart health (vitamin B6 and folic acid, vitamin E, glutathione, and monounsaturated fat); anti-inflammatory (polyphenols and flavonoids); lowers cholesterol (beta-sitosterol); controls blood pressure (potassium); regulates blood sugar levels (monounsaturated (good) fats & soluble fiber); promotes eye health (carotenoid lutein); prevents birth defects (high in folate). GL =14
Moringa – One of the highest antioxidant & nutrient-rich foods. 27% protein, 8 essential amino acids, 25 vitamins & minerals and other plant-based nutrients. Lowers blood sugar, antimicrobial, and good for the respiratory system. Featured on the Dr. Oz Show & the Discovery Channel documentary – a whole food that saved African villages suffering from malnutrition. Buy at Whole Foods or local Health Store or Purchase online.
LIBIDO BLEND – (optional)
- Raw Black Maca – randomized clinical studies with a total of 131 participants found evidence that maca improves sexual desire after at least six weeks of ingestion. Purchase Online Here
- Note: Red Maca is best for women.
- Citrulline – Converts to L’arginine which increases blood flow. Buy locally or Purchase Online Here
- Korean Red Panax Ginseng – treat impotence; boost the immune system; improve heart health; treat diabetes; increase energy; decrease stress. Buy locally or Purchase Online Here
- Caution – Ginseng can interfere with some medications and increase the effects of caffeine.
- Mucuna Pruiens (“Velvet Bean”) – Produces more testosterone & Promotes a higher libido in men and better fertility levels. Also, may be good for Parkinson’s -> Contains a high concentration of L-Dopa which can increase levels of dopamine and therefore improve levels of cognition. Parkinson’s is partly caused by a reduction in the production of dopamine. Purchase Online Here
- Cordyceps Mushroom Powder – Potentially improves sexual performance (proven to improve sexual performance in animal studies). Staple in Chinese medicine for men’s health. Anti-aging; possibly improves exercise stamina, heart health, fight tumor growth, manage Type II diabetes, etc. Purchase Online Here
Note: Do not be intimidated by the number of ingredients. A full (e.g., Vitamix 64 oz) blender makes about five 12 oz cups or four 16 oz cups, enough for 3-4 adults. Make enough for the week. Cover the cups, freeze them, and allow the smoothies to thaw in the refrigerator the day before consumption the next morning. You’ll note two portions for many ingredients. The lower number is for a 32 oz blender and higher number is for a 64 oz blender.
- Add approximately four – eight ounces of the unsweetened Almond Chocolate Milk
- Add approximately four oz or eight oz of Purified or Spring Water
- Add two-four ounces of Probiotic Yogurt
- Add ½ – 1 scoop of Vega Berry Sport Protein Powder
- Add one-two tablespoon of Chia Seeds
- Add two – four tablespoons of Flax Seeds Powder/Meal
- Add one – two tablespoons of Hemp Seeds
- Add one-two tablespoons of Pumpkin Seeds
- Add one-two tablespoons of Black Seeds (Note: add only one tablespoon if you’re also taking Black Seed oil)
- Add one – two teaspoons of Ceylon Cinnamon (one tablespoon, if you’re diabetic).
- Add one – two teaspoons of Moringa
- Add one – two teaspoons of Dulse Seaweed Flakes
- Add one-two tablespoons of Nutritional Yeast (Fortified)
- Add one teaspoon or one tablespoon of Cod Liver Oil
- Add a handful of Arugula
- Add one chopped stalk of Bok Choy
- Add the snack size or sandwich size Ziploc bag of Frozen Raw &/or Steamed Kale
- Add chopped Celery (approx one to two stalks)
- Two-three tablespoons of Freeze-dried tomato powder or
- ½ – 1 jar or packet of Sun-Dried Tomatoes
- ½ – 1 can of Tomato Paste or Stewed Tomatoes, or
- Steam (5-10 minutes) one large Tomato or two-three Roma tomatoes.
- Add approximately three oz or six oz of Coconut Water
- Approximately 4 ounces (32 oz blender) or 6 oz (64 oz blender) of chilled, unsweetened brewed Organic Green Tea + ½ squeezed lemon, OR;
- Thoroughly mix a teaspoon of Matcha Green Tea powder with squeezed lemon juice & a small amount of warm purified or spring water & pour into the blender. OR,
- Add 4–6 ounces of brewed White Tea with ½ squeezed lemon
- Add two-four ounces of Ginger Tea
- Add two – four ounces of Elderberry Syrup
- One-Two teaspoons of Ground Black Pepper, OR
- Add 3-6 tablets of Bioperine
- Add one-two teaspoons of Turmeric Golden Paste
- Add three to five Dried Apricots
- Add Steamed Mushrooms (approx 5-6 slices Button and/or two-three stalks Shitake, Oyster, Maitake, etc.), or ½ – one frozen snack size Zip Loc bag.
- Add 8 – 10 or 12–14 Dried Medjool Dates
- Add two – four Watermelon chunks with rind
- Add three–six pieces of Organic Baby Carrots
- Add two – four Fresh Frozen Pineapple Chunks
- Add a 1/2 – 1 pouch of frozen Acai Pulp, or;
- One scoop of Acai Berry freeze–dried powder.
- Add two – four tablespoons of Frozen Wild Blueberries
- Add two – four tablespoons of Frozen Cranberries
- Add one – two tablespoons of Frozen Strawberries
- Add a ¼ – ½ of a Red Bell Pepper
- Add ¼ – ½ Avocado
- Add two-four tablets of Bioperine
- Add one-two tablespoons of Pomegranate Seeds
- Add one-two ounces of Beet Juice
- Add Libido Ingredients
- Add one-two teaspoons of Raw Black Maca
- Add one-two teaspoons of Citrulline
- Add two to four capsules of Red Panax Ginseng
- Add one-two teaspoons of Mucuna Pruiens
- Add one-two teaspoons of Cordyceps Mushroom Powder
If the blender still needs more liquid, fill with Purified or Spring water
VITAMIX or similar blender – Blend thoroughly until smooth. Will take about one-two minutes with a Vitamix; two-three minutes with a regular blender.
- A reconditioned Vitamix is a bargain compared to a new one – 5–year warranty. Click Here for more info.
Note: First week – If you are not accustomed to a high fiber diet, then you should drink 12 oz or less to give your digestive system time to adjust to the fiber. This smoothie will make some people kings and queens as they will find themselves very often & “comfortably” seated upon the porcelain throne!!
Remove any ingredients to which you may be allergic, or will adversely affect pregnant women or children younger than 6 years gold.
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